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The Parable of Unleavened Bread

The Parable of Unleavened Bread

Matthew 13:33 - Daniel Murillo. At our combined English and Spanish service that we hold every so often, Pastor Daniel preached on the parable of unleavened bread and what that should look like in the Christian life.

The United Church

The United Church

Philippians 2:1-4 - Ben Hernandez. This morning we took a break from our series through John to look at a passage we should keep in mind often: a passage on unity.

Revelation 4-5

Revelation 4-5

Revelation 4-5 - David Anderson. The speaker for our Biblical eldership conference also preached for our church during our Sunday service.

God's Strength for a New Year

God's Strength for a New Year

Isaiah 40:27-31 - Daniel Murillo. This morning we had a combined English and Spanish service as we do every so often. Where and how do you find your strength in times of difficulty? Do you wait upon the Lord?

Entering 2018

Entering 2018

Our guest preacher today, Jason McPhetridge, is a student pastor at River Community Church in Dell Rapids. As we enter 2018, we take a look at the Word and our lives.

Does the Virgin Birth Matter?

Does the Virgin Birth Matter?

Matthew 1:18-25 - Ben Hernandez. On this Christmas Eve we take a look at Matthew 1 and answer the question: Does the virgin birth matter?

The King with Four Names

The King with Four Names

Isaiah 9:1-7 - Ben Hernandez. Taking a break from our series through John during the Christmas season, we take a look at four names given to Jesus Christ.

Where Is Jesus in the Midst of Tragedy?

Where Is Jesus in the Midst of Tragedy?

John 11:1-44 - Ben Hernandez. With the tragedy of this past week many of us have the question "Where is Jesus in the midst of tragedy?". This morning we look at the story of Lazarus to help us answer that question.